Customer Journey Map

Customer Journey Map

I can create a customer journey map for the AUM Project. Here is an example:

  1. Awareness Phase:

  • Potential customers gain awareness by seeing their announcements or advertisements about the AUM Project.

  • They learn about the key features and values ​​of the project through the website, social media accounts and other marketing channels.

  • Potential customers become interested through examples and demonstrations of the artworks and NFTs of the AUM Project.

  1. Discovery Phase:

  • Customers can access more detailed information by visiting the website of the AUM Project.

  • They explore the diversity of artworks and NFTs presented in the project.

  • They learn more about the gods, mythologies and the meaning of art involved in the project.

  • Customers are informed about the steps to take to participate in the project or purchase the works.

  1. Purchasing Stage:

  • Customers choose a convenient way to participate in the AUM Project or purchase artifacts.

  • They create accounts and make purchases through the website or platform.

  • Payment options and secure payment transactions are offered.

  • Customers are informed about how to deliver their purchased artifacts and how to access NFTs.

  1. Experience Stage:

  • Customers begin to experience the artifacts or NFTs they purchase.

  • They get acquainted with the extra benefits or membership opportunities offered by the AUM Project.

  • A communication channel is provided where customers can share their feedback and contribute to the project.

  • Clients interact by attending AUM Project's community events or artistic works.

  1. Loyalty Tier:

  • Customers remain committed to the AUM Project and are followed for future acquisition or participation opportunities.

  • Customers are encouraged through loyalty programs or reward systems.

  • The AUM Project regularly measures the satisfaction level of its customers and makes improvements.

This sample customer journey map aims to enable the AUM Project to increase the awareness of potential customers, manage the process from purchase, and gain customer loyalty. When creating a true customer journey map, it's important to consider details specific to the project's target audience and marketing strategies.

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