Purchasing Phase

Purchasing Phase

AUM Project customer journey map, Purchasing Phase:

  1. Customers choose a convenient way to participate in the AUM Project or purchase artifacts. During this process, you are given the option to create an account via the AUM Project's website or platform.

  2. Customers provide the necessary information to create an account and make their purchase. Artworks and NFTs are accessible via the AUM Project's website or platform.

  3. Payment options and secure payment transactions are offered. Customers are given the opportunity to choose from a variety of payment methods. Payment transactions are carried out in a secure and transparent manner.

  4. Customers are informed about how to deliver their purchased artifacts and how to access NFTs. If the works are to be sent physically, the delivery process and address information are arranged. NFTs, on the other hand, are made available digitally and relevant instructions are provided to customers.

In addition, additional information is provided about the AUM Project's platform for astrologers, fortune tellers and mystical studies. This platform operates as a freelancers marketplace and offers different mystical services to clients.

This revised customer journey map defines the purchasing phase in the AUM Project. Customers decide to participate in the project or purchase works by choosing an appropriate route. By creating an account, they make purchases and are offered payment options. Information is provided regarding the delivery of the artifacts they have purchased or making NFTs accessible. It also provides additional information about the AUM Project's platform for astrologers, fortune tellers and mystical studies. This platform operates as a freelancers marketplace and offers different mystical services to clients.

Last updated