Voting on Outreach and Support Projects

Voting on Outreach and Support Projects

AUM House: Voting on Outreach and Support Projects

As AUM House, we aim to empower participants and meet the needs of society by continuing our commitment to outreach and support projects. Our Voting mechanism for Social Assistance and Support Projects is an important tool to identify the priority needs of the society and to fund projects that address these needs. Here are the details of this mechanism and its explanation with examples:

  1. Identifying Outreach and Support Projects: AUM House uses a variety of resources to identify the needs of the community. Projects arising in areas such as social emergencies, natural disasters, health problems, and educational opportunities are considered as priority. However, participants can also submit their own suggestions and bring up projects that the community would like to be considered.

Example: After a natural disaster, a disaster relief project is proposed on AUM House's platform. The aim of this project may be to provide emergency aid such as food, water, shelter to meet basic needs.

  1. Voting Process: Identified social aid and support projects are put to the vote on the platform. Participants vote by examining the purpose, audience, impact and costs of the projects. During the voting process, participants vote considering the importance and social impact of the projects.

Example: When a natural disaster relief project is put to a vote, participants vote by evaluating how well the project will meet the immediate needs of disaster victims, its impact, and its sustainability. Projects with the highest votes for the project are selected for funding.

  1. Funding and Use: Funds are provided to social aid and support projects selected as a result of voting. These funds are used for the purposes of the projects and help the project achieve its objectives. There is full transparency and accountability for how funds are spent.

Example: If the disaster relief project is among the projects funded as a result of the voting, the funds are used directly to meet the basic needs of the disaster victims. This may include the provision of emergency aid such as food, water, shelter, health care.

AUM House's Vote for Outreach and Support Projects mechanism enables participants to take an active role in identifying community needs and funding projects. Thanks to this mechanism, projects that meet the real needs of the society are supported and the funds directly contribute to the realization of these projects. At the same time, participants can track the progress of projects and see transparently how funds are spent.

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