Awareness Phase

Awareness Phase

AUM Project customer journey map, Awareness Phase:

  1. Potential customers become aware of the project by seeing their announcements or advertisements about the AUM Project. These sensations can occur through a variety of marketing channels, such as digital advertisements, social media posts or printed materials.

  2. Potential clients learn more about the key features and values โ€‹โ€‹of the project through the AUM Project website, social media accounts and other marketing channels. The website provides basic information such as the purpose, vision and participation process of the project. On the social media accounts, examples of works of art and current posts about the project can be seen.

  3. Potential customers become interested through examples and demonstrations of the artworks and NFTs of the AUM Project. The website and social media accounts feature images and explanations emphasizing the meaning of the gods, mythologies and art in the project. In this way, potential clients discover the artistic value and mystical connections that the project offers.

  4. Potential customers are informed about the AUM Project's platform for astrologers, fortune tellers and mystical studies. This platform offers services related to mystical topics such as astrology, fortune telling and tarot reading. Potential customers are given the opportunity to experience their own mystical experiences and access relevant content through this platform.

This revised customer journey map helps potential customers gain awareness of the AUM Project. They become aware of the project through sensations or advertisements, then learn more through the project's website and social media accounts. By seeing examples of artworks and NFTs, they are intrigued and informed about the mystical studies platform. At this stage, it is important to attract potential customers and get more involved in the project.

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