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📈Bridge Applications

Bridge applications are used to connect different blockchains or networks and enable asset transfer.

Bridge applications are used to connect different blockchains or networks and enable asset transfer. For example, if you want to transfer an asset located on the Ethereum network to another network, you can perform this transfer using a bridge application.

The process usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Asset Blockchain: The asset (token) you want to transfer is usually located on a blockchain, for example Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon (Matic), or another network.

  2. Bridge Application: The bridge application that will provide the transfer process is usually a smart contract-based system. This application ensures that the asset transfer takes place securely and automatically.

  3. Bridge Address: You will be prompted to specify an address or wallet provided by the Bridge application. To this address, you send the asset you want to transfer.

  4. Asset Locking: The asset you send to the bridge address is received by the bridge application in the locking step. In this step, the asset you submitted is temporarily frozen on the blockchain.

  5. Bridge Blockchain: The bridge application communicates with the network where the sent asset is frozen on the blockchain. Bridge blockchain can often be decentralized or centralized.

  6. Asset Creation: Bridge blockchain creates a new asset in the target network in exchange for the frozen asset. For example, if you are transferring USDT from Ethereum to Polygon, Polygon will generate the equivalent of USDT on its network.

  7. Asset Transfer: The new asset created is sent to the destination network address you specified. For example, USDT generated in Polygon is sent to the Polygon wallet address you specify.

  8. Asset Opening: You can see and use the new asset in your wallet in the target network. For example, you can view and use USDT in your Polygon wallet.

In this way, assets can be transferred by connecting different blockchains or networks through bridge applications. Bridge applications can work with smart contracts or centralized management models. Some bridge applications may also use multi-signature or other security measures to keep users safe.

However, bridge applications also have disadvantages. Transfer fees can be high and in some cases require complex transactions. In addition, security risks and central management elements should also be taken into account in transfers made through bridge applications.

Therefore, it is important to be careful when using bridge applications and to research the reliability of the platform you will be trading.


How can tokens be moved from one native blockchain to another?

  1. Bridges: Bridges are tools used to enable the transfer of assets between different blockchains. A bridge uses smart contracts and other technologies to facilitate the transition from one chain to another.

  • Bridge applications are often smart contract-based and use smart contracts to securely process transfers.

  • In the first step, the user submits their entity to a bridge application on the local blockchain. This operation ensures that the asset is frozen on the native blockchain.

  • The bridge application communicates with the blockchain where the asset is frozen and creates an equation for the asset on the target blockchain.

  • Then, using this equation, a new asset is created on the target blockchain and sent to the user's wallet on the target blockchain.

  1. Peer-to-Peer Exchanges: Peer-to-peer exchanges are platforms that facilitate the exchange of assets between different blockchains. These platforms provide users with the ability to exchange assets between different blockchains.

  • The user submits their asset located on the local blockchain to the peer-to-peer exchange platform.

  • The platform freezes the user's asset on the local chain and replaces it with an asset on the target blockchain.

  • The new asset is then sent to the user's wallet on the target blockchain.

Both methods can be used to transfer tokens between different blockchains. Users can move their assets to another blockchain via bridge applications or peer-to-peer exchange platforms and thus use them on different chains.

While these processes are tools that simplify users' asset transfers, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important for users to research the relevant platforms and follow the necessary steps to ensure security before transferring.

These bridges operate in a decentralized manner and allow users to transfer their assets from one blockchain to another. Here is the technical working logic of smart contract bridges:

  1. Transaction Initiation: The user who wants to transfer assets between two different blockchains initiates a transaction on the blockchain where the smart contract bridge is located. For example, a user on Ethereum might want to submit their asset to a bridge smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

  2. Asset Freeze: The smart contract on the blockchain where the user wants to transfer the asset receives and freezes the asset. This action allows the asset to be temporarily locked on the blockchain. For example, the bridge smart contract in Ethereum takes the user's Ethereum asset and freezes it.

  3. Update Balance: After the asset is frozen, the bridge smart contract updates the balance on the target blockchain. For example, the bridge smart contract on Ethereum sends the equivalent of the frozen asset to the wallet on the target blockchain. In this way, the user's asset is moved to another blockchain.

  4. Transaction Confirmation and Completion: After the asset freeze occurs and the balance is updated, the user confirms the transaction. With the user's consent, the bridge smart contract sends the asset to the target blockchain and completes the transaction. In this way, the asset is successfully transferred to another blockchain.

This is the basic working principle of smart contract bridges. These bridges automate the transfer of assets between blockchains and do so without the need for a central authority. Users can easily migrate their assets to different blockchains using bridge smart contracts. However, it is important to consider factors such as liquidity and security, as the level of liquidity and security provided by bridges can affect trading success.

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