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New Events

Here it is! We are here to celebrate the birth of a sacred energy in the icy and mysterious world of Binance Smart Chain TEST. AUM House is launching the "AUM Exclusive Ticket BSC Test" event with a fantastic and bold initiative!

Step into the legendary world of Project AUM on BSC Testnet on July 9, 2023, 12:00 GMT, at the hour when the Vikings struck their swords against stone. In this world, you will get the chance to write the special and fascinating story of BSCAET Tokens.

Symbol: The BSCAET Token symbolizes resilience and honor, like part of a legendary shield.

100,000 BSCAET Token for 0.1 BNB is a valuable reward where Vikings fight for power and wealth.

Hard Cap:, as wide and unlimited as the borders of Midgard.

Don't miss this dazzling treasure!

Join this journey like a daring and brave Viking: AUM Exclusive Ticket BSC Test https://aum.house/ticket/ico/aum-exclusive-ticket-bsc-test

But every Viking must have a shield, and yours will be the Test BNB!

You can get your warrior's protection here: BNB Faucet: https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart

You can also check out the wisdom of our Runic Stones to learn more about the legendary story of the AUM House Ambassador: AUM House Documentation: https://docs.aum.house

As the Viking gods roar, this event will shake the crypto world and leave an immortal mark on the hearts of our Kemits. Be part of this event, create your own legendary story with BSCAET TEST Tokens and start a new era in the crypto universe!

Only one question remains: Are you a brave Viking?

The Call of Zeus from Mount Olympus

Listen from all corners of the universe, ruler of celestial flutters, lord of storms, Zeus has a great invitation! Reverberating from every corner of the earth, the voice calls out to the challengers, brave-hearted adventurers and visionaries among us.

Today, from the summit of Mount Olympus, we are announcing the rise of the AUM Project as a shining star in the sky. And we invite you to be a part of this unique and exciting journey.

Become a part of this fascinating opportunity, during which a limited number of free AET TEST Token will be offered for a period of 26 days. These tokens will herald surprise gifts and specially designed NFTs that unlock future rewards.

Moreover, these tokens will act as a bridge that will allow us to get to know each other better and further strengthen your connections with our project.

Event Details:

Go to the AUM Ambassador Missions page and complete the missions to earn rewards.

Name: AUM Exclusive Ticket Test Symbol: AET TEST Token Value: 100,000 AET TEST Token for 0.01 GoerliETH

Click on the link below to participate: AUM Exclusive Ticket Goerli Test (https://aum.house/ticket/ico/aum-exclusive-ticket-goerli-test)

Also, to learn more about the AUM House Ambassador job opportunity, you can check out the following document: AUM House Documentation (https://docs.aum.house)

Don't miss this amazing opportunity and step into the perfect universe of the AUM Project. Combine your courage, excitement and most importantly your vision and join us on this celestial journey.

Collect Zeus' lightning bolts and let your journey begin! We are spreading the announcement of this unique opportunity from the summit of Olympos to the whole world. Now, together, are you ready to push the boundaries of the future and explore the universe of AUM House?

The journey beyond the heavenly boundaries begins. We will be very happy to see you among us!

Zeus and AUM House Dinosaurs

This is a description of the Goerli Testnet Tap. Goerli Testnet Faucet is a service that distributes testnet ETH to users on Ethereum's Goerli Testnet. This helps developers and testers test blockchain-based applications and smart contracts.

How to Earn Goerli ETH? You can get Goerli ETH here: GoerliETH Faucet (https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de)

Last updated