The Safe Crowdfunding

The Safe Crowdfunding

AUM House: The Safe Crowdfunding

AUM House is a secure and democratic crowdfunding platform. Our aim is to raise funds in Ether using smart contracts and voting mechanisms to incentivize and finance projects. AUM House aims to empower participants and provide full control and transparency over how contributors' funds are spent.

  1. Secure Fundraising: AUM House is a simple and secure crowdfunding platform that can accept contributions in Ether. Contributors can send Ether via smart contracts to fund projects. This process is supported by the security and transparency benefits provided by blockchain technology and smart contracts.

  2. Democratic Voting Mechanism: AUM House provides a democratic voting mechanism for participants to decide how funds are spent. Owners must submit a request and obtain the consent of the participants to spend the funds. During the voting process, participants must reach a certain percentage and vote in favor of the request. This allows participants to actively participate in the management of the project and influence the decision process.

  3. Fundraising with NFT Collections: AUM House offers the opportunity to raise funds to create new NFT (Non-Fungible Token) artworks and collections. This way, artists and creators can use AUM House's crowdfunding platform to support their projects and generate revenue. The funds are used for the creation, promotion and distribution of NFT collections.

  4. Voting on Outreach and Support Projects: AUM House uses the voting mechanism to fund outreach and support projects. Participants can assess the needs of projects and vote on which projects will be funded. This enables participants to contribute to the social impact of projects and help them meet the needs of society.

At AUM House, we strive to ensure that projects are supported and managed through secure crowdfunding and democratic voting mechanisms. We encourage participants to be actively involved in deciding how funds will be used. At the same time, we aim to provide a fair and transparent platform to respond to the needs of society by focusing on outreach and support projects.

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