Secure Crowdfunding and Democratic Voting

Secure Crowdfunding and Democratic Voting

AUM House: Secure Crowdfunding and Democratic Voting

At AUM House, we are committed to ensuring that projects are supported and managed through secure crowdfunding and democratic voting mechanisms. Our aim is to enable participants to have an effective say on the future of the projects and the use of funds. Therefore, we offer a platform built on the principles of transparency, fair representation and equal rights of participants.

Our democratic voting mechanism enables participants to actively participate in the management of projects. For any funding request, the project owners or their teams submit their requests and the participants subject these requests to a voting process. The voting process requires reaching a certain percentage for the project to be funded and participants voting in favor of the request. In this way, everyone involved in the management of projects is represented equally and has a say in decisions.

Our secure crowdfunding mechanism aims to raise funds to support projects. Working with smart contracts and Ether-denominated funds, we involve participants in the financing of projects. We provide full transparency and accountability on how the funds will be used. Participants can track how funds are spent and closely monitor the progress of projects.

As AUM House, we play an important role in responding to the needs of society by focusing on outreach and support projects. We encourage our participants to evaluate the needs of the projects and vote on which projects will be funded. In this way, the projects are supported in line with the real needs of the society and are shaped by the participation of the society.

At AUM House, our commitment is to provide a secure crowdfunding and democratic voting platform and fully involve our participants in the support and management of projects. With this manifesto, we aim for our participants to play an active role in the future of the projects and the use of funds, and to support projects that provide solutions that meet the needs of society.

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