Social Emergency Fund (SEF) Token

Social Emergency Fund (SEF) Token

In addition to the AUM House Token, which is the main token of AUM House, another key element of the project is the Social Emergency Fund (SEF) Token. SEF Token is a cryptocurrency used to raise funds for urgent social needs. The AUM House community can help grow this fund and support those in need by contributing to the SEF Token.

SEF Token works with a community-based approach. Community members contribute to the SEF Token, raising the SEF fund to support urgent community needs. This fund is used in situations such as natural disasters, health crises or other emergencies that require social assistance. SEF Token holders can use SEF Tokens to support projects determined by community voting.

Community voting plays an important role in selecting projects that will receive support from SEF funding. As SEF Token holders, community members can vote on projects or submit their own suggestions. In this way, community members contribute to the direction of the project while also lending a helping hand to those in urgent need.

The AUM House ecosystem, in which SEF Token is integrated, contributes to the growth of this fund. Revenues from other AUM House services, such as the NFT Marketplace or the Freelancer marketplaces, can be channeled into the SEF fund. In this way, community members can benefit from other AUM House services while contributing to the growth of the SEF fund.

With its community-centered approach, the AUM House community plays an active role in managing the SEF fund. Community members have a say in the development and direction of the project. Projects determined by community voting decide on the use of SEF funding, effectively helping those in urgent need.

As a result, AUM House's Social Emergency Fund (SEF) Token is a tool used to raise funds for urgent social needs. With its community-based approach, SEF Token enables the AUM House community to act together and provide support to those in need. In this way, the AUM House community focuses on emergency outreach projects, while community members contribute to the SEF fund, helping the wider community.

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