🎎Mystical Rituals and Unusual Astrology

Cosmic Journey


The technology and beauty of the collection surprised and excited the gods.


Unique Digital Art Experience with AUM NFT Collection ( AUM ) Token, These NFTs contain mystical symbols, symbols, mythological gods, leaders and extraordinary artworks based on astrology. Each NFT offers users a unique experience and highlights the uniqueness of the collection.







Exclusive Education




We, the AUM HOUSE, stand united in our vision for a better world. Through this manifesto, we proclaim our beliefs, principles, and commitments to bring about positive change and inspire others to join us on this transformative journey.



As ambassadors, we are pioneers who reflect AUM values and play an active role in bringing our vision to life. With our shared values and vision, we embark on this transformative journey with unwavering determination. We invite like-minded people to join us as we strive to make a lasting impact, inspire change, and create a better world for present and future generations. Together, let's unleash the power within us and shape a future full of hope, opportunity and limitless possibilities.



We believe that every individual has a unique purpose and potential, and it is our mission to help them discover and unleash their true power. We envision a society where everyone lives a purposeful and fulfilling life, making a meaningful impact on the world around them.

"Mystical Rituals and Unusual Astrology: Unique Digital Art Experience with AUM Token"

The AUM project offers users the opportunity to explore the mystical world and have unique works of art, and also shows the innovative use of Blokchain technology. Blokchain protects the digital assets of users by providing the transparency and security of the collection.

Security and transparency


This exciting project aims to create a common experience and sharing platform by bringing together users who are interested in mystical rituals, astrology and unusual fortune -telling. Aum Token embodies distinctive characteristics and intrinsic value, ensuring an unparalleled digital art journey for users.

Digital Art Journey


Aum Token is the representative of a unique digital collection that deals with mystical rituals and unusual astrology fortune issues. Embracing the unpredictability of the future, this collection seeks to provide users with an exhilarating and entertaining experience.

Embracing the unpredictability


In the initial phase of the AUM project, a remarkable milestone was achieved with the release of 15,392 exclusive units (ERC1155), granting users the privilege of owning the original NFTs at no cost. Building upon this foundation, the collection expands to encompass an enchanting array of NFTs, infused with mystical symbols, captivating imagery, and extraordinary artworks inspired by astrology. Each NFT provides an unparalleled and individualized journey, celebrating the distinctiveness that defines this exceptional collection.

Celebrating the distinctiveness


Aum Token (AUM) serves as a transformative Ethereum-based utility token, facilitating seamless transactions within its ecosystem. With a fixed total supply of 1,000,000,000,000, the unique value proposition of Aum Token lies in its innovative 5% combustion mechanism. Through this ingenious mechanism, tokens are permanently eliminated from circulation with each transfer, leading to a gradual reduction in the total supply. As a result, the scarcity and intrinsic value of Aum Token are amplified, making it an exceptional asset in the digital realm.

Utility token



From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.

We, the powerful gods such as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, were tired of the competition under the direction of Mount Olympus. However, we encountered a digital art collection called Aum at the same time and independently, at the same time and independently of fate. The technological progress of this collection and the dazzling beauty of this collection deeply impressed and excited us.

Zeus bought several pieces to explore the value of the works in the AUM collection. Poseidon made an investigation to learn more about artificial intelligence technology behind the collection. Hades, on the other hand, caught the fascinating beauty of the works of art in the collection and placed some of them in their own treasury room.

The experience of discovering this collection brought us together and made us close to each other. We re -established peace on Olympus Mountain and decided to move together.

As gods, we cooperated to create a series of mystical NFTs that reflect our own legends to show our gratitude to Aum creators and our admiration for this unique digital art collection.

As a result, AUM has become a digital art manifesto that helps to restore peace on Olympus Mountain thanks to this unique collection where the gods come together.

We, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, will maintain the Aum collection and act together to spread the power of this unique art to the world.


From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.

After discovering the Aum collection, those who were descendants of the Nephilims and the gods of Olympos were fascinated to the innovative technology of digital art. As they went deep into the collection, they saw the potential of this technology to transform the interactions between people and connections with the world.

Inspired by mythological origins, Nefilim came together to form their own NFT series. By blending the latest technology with ancient mythology, they decided to create a digital art experience that brings the old legends to the modern age.

The gods of the Olympos began to see the partnerships and differences between cultures as they discovered the collection of naves. This sharing helped to increase the understanding and discretion among societies.

The AUM collection and the NFT series of the NFT series have combined different groups and proved how digital art can bring people together. The gods and the gods of Olympos continue to push the boundaries of this technology and to shape a future in which creativity and innovation flourish.

This story emphasizes the power of art and the unifying effect of cultures by increasing the interest in the AUM collection. We hope that new generations will approach this digital art experience with curiosity and appreciate the importance of cultural diversity and creativity.


From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.

The Viking gods, tired of wars and struggle for centuries, discovered a new collection of digital art that attracted their attention to Valhalla one day. This collection fascinated and curious them.

Odin, Thor and Loki wanted to discover the value of this digital art by buying pieces from Valhalla collection. While discovering the collection, they saw the potential of this new technology to bring communities together.

The Viking gods decided to create their own NFT series, inspired by the Valhalla collection and creators. They worked together to create a Digital Art collection by blending the old Viking legends with innovative technology.

The Viking gods shared their collections with each other and saw the common points that connect their stories and history. These experiences helped them close the abyss between their clans and develop a sense of unity and understanding.

Those who were interested in the Valhalla collection were not limited to the Vikings, but the giants of the Scandinavian mythology Jotunlar saw the potential of this technology. The Viking gods and the Jotuns, working together, moved together with the aim of creating a new age of peace and prosperity for all the clans of the North.

In this journey, the Viking gods and Jotuns discovered the power of art and culture to bring people together. The Valhalla collection proved the potential of technology to unite different communities and create a better world.

While the Viking gods and jotuns continue to discover the possibilities of this new digital art, they are looking forward to a future in which art and culture can overcome the limits and bring people together in new and exciting ways.

We celebrate the power of the Viking gods and the Jotuns, Valhalla collection and this new digital art. In this age where art and technology meet, we support the progress of humanity towards a better future by working together.

This is a manifesto that emphasizes the importance of the discoveries of the Valhalla collection and the Viking gods. We celebrate the potential to create a better world with the combination of creativity, unity and cultures.


From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.

The gods, which have existed in Chinese mythology for centuries, are present in the world of Blokchain and the NFT world. One day, Lei Gong, one of the Chinese gods, came across the AUM collection and saw the power and artistic potential of technology. This new world seemed very interesting to him and informed the other gods.

Together, the gods decided to create their own works in the NFT world. Each God created a work of digital art inspired by a story of his own, and united these works in a collection. Lei Gong provided incredible support for the creativity of the gods, as the people would hear.

However, the Chinese gods were very different from other creators in the Aum collection, and therefore they told their own stories. Like the other gods, the Chinese gods had unique features, and their collections reflected these features.

When the collection of the Chinese gods was shared with other gods and people, their stories were understood to be an important lesson for the whole world. Chinese gods are important figures that have great effects on people's lives and culture. These works remind the importance of the historical and cultural heritage of the Chinese people.

Blokchain technology was used to protect the uniqueness of these works of art. The collection of Chinese gods, like other NFT collections, was defined in a singular way through Blokchain technology and the owner of each work was clearly determined.

The creation of this collection added a new dimension to the culture of the Chinese gods, while the Blokchain technology and the NFT world played an important role in the protection of art and culture. The collection of the gods showed that it is possible to protect history and culture in the digital age.


From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.

For centuries, societies continued their devotion to their gods with spiritual journeys and shamanic beliefs. In the depths of these societies, people always had the desire to solve the karmic ties and make spiritual discoveries. But one day, a collection of digital art emerged that attracted the attention of all these societies.

When the shamans discovered the texture of the Spirit, which was this collection, they admired the powerful works of art that reflects the spirit of their gods and nature. These works were seen as a tool that enabled people to travel to their inner world and karmic ties.

Each shaman wanted to deepen his own spiritual journey and discover his ties by buying pieces from the texture of the texture of the soul. The beauties of these digital works of art and their meaningful meanings with symbols had a deep effect in the inner world of shamans.

The shamans came together to create their own NFT series, inspired by the texture of the texture of the soul. They shared their desire to establish a deep understanding and connection by blending their Shamanic beliefs and spiritual journeys with digital art.

This cooperation helped to discover common experiences and meanings among shamans. The texture of the soul and the shamans of the shamans have become powerful tools that guide spiritual discoveries and the dissolution of karmic ties.

Those who are interested in the texture of the texture of the soul were not limited to shamans. Those who believe in spiritual journeys worldwide realized the potential of this digital art. New opportunities were born to bring people together and support each other.

While shamans and spiritual travels continued to discover the power of this new technology, they realized the importance of the unification of art and technology to guide people's karmic ties and spiritual discoveries.

Finally, the SOUL

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