Loyalty Stage

Loyalty Stage

AUM Project customer journey map, Loyalty Stage:

  1. Customers remain committed to the AUM Project and are followed for future acquisition or participation opportunities. The project uses communication channels to inform customers about special offers, announcements and upcoming events.

  2. Customers are encouraged through loyalty programs or reward systems. The AUM Project encourages customers to make repeat purchases or to participate in the project by offering loyalty programs or reward systems. These programs reward their loyalty by offering special discounts, benefits or rewards to customers.

  3. The AUM Project regularly measures the satisfaction level of its customers and makes improvements. The customer experience of the project is continuously evaluated using customer feedback and satisfaction surveys. In line with this information, AUM Project makes the necessary improvements and tries to meet the expectations of the customers.

In addition, additional information is provided about the AUM Project's astrologers, fortune tellers and the platform serving mystical studies. This platform operates as a marketplace for fortune teller freelancers and offers different mystical services to clients. Through this platform, customers can receive services from different fortune tellers and interact more closely with the mystical world. This helps increase customers' loyalty to the AUM Project during the loyalty phase.

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